Latest Additions

Woo-eee! It’s hot! Time to turn on whatever kind of cooling device you’ve got. Or -come into the library! We’ve got the A/C on and it’s definitely cooler inside our building than it is outside, thank goodness! So are you looking for something good to read while hiding out? How about one of these:

Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier
Emily and Einstein by Linda Francis Lee
Graveminder Melissa Marr
State of Wonder by Ann Patchett
The Alpine Vengeance by Mary Daheim

Maybe you could think of this as, “A book a day, keeps the heat away.” And then when you’re done, come into the library and enter to win the latest prize basket for the Adult Summer Reading Program. You could win this:

See you soon!

— Stacey

Latest Additions

After a lovely weather week, last week, this one is being forecast as a scorcher! Hot and humid are two of my least favorite words -and then put them together? No way! I object! And to best express my distaste for the coming heat wave? Hide inside, with plenty of air conditioning and plenty of books to read! We’ve got another nice list today, are you ready?

Forgotten by Cat Patrick
Faith by Jennifer Haigh
The Snowman by Jo Nesbo
Breaking Silence by Linda Castillo
My Name is Mary Sutter by Robin Oliveira
The Mystery Writers of America Presents the Rich and the Dead by Nelson DeMille
The Revenge of the Radioactive Lady by Elizabeth Stuckey-French
Uncommon Criminals by Ally Carter
Stalked by Brian Freeman
Incarceron by Catherine Fisher

Right? Plenty to choose from while you’re waiting out the hot spell! And once you’ve worked through the list, why not use them as entries in the Adult Summer Reading program? Here is the basket (minus Rock E. Rover) that you could win this week:

We’ll see you soon!

— Stacey

Summertime and the Movies are Easy…

What movies to watch this summer with two adults and two teenagers in the house?  I know a lot of folks go to the local multiplex for the latest blockbuster, but we’re looking for a few DVDs to watch from our comfy couch.  I’ve thought about a series – last summer, my brother, son and I watched all the Alien movies over a week.  My son enjoyed the action and aliens, and my brother, of course, Sigourney Weaver.  And now that the last Harry Potter movie has been released, I know that it’s been popular to make a night or two (or three) of it and revisit all the past films, but we’ve seen all the films fairly recently. Maybe The Matrix? Or Back to the Future?  We watched the first Planet of the Apes, but I’m not sure I can sit through the rest (can you believe that they actually made four more movies?!).

In the meantime, we’ve watched a few oldies but goodies: Harold and Maud, The Shining (my son wanted to watch some classic horror films) and Breaking Away. Next up are a few Hitchcock films and some Bill Murray classics like Stripes and Meatballs.

Another month and late nights of movie watching will end, but at least we’ll have a few fond memories of screaming, laughter and lots and lots of popcorn.

~ Dori

2011 Thriller Awards

Last Saturday the International Thriller Writers announced their 2011 awards at their annual ThrillerFest in New York City.

The best hardcover novel award went to John Sandford for Bad Blood.

 J.T. Ellison took home the award for best original paperback with The Cold Room. And Still Missing by Chevy Stevens won the best first novel category.

If you like thrillers as much as I do, try searching for them in our Reading Room. I think that you’ll find some great reads!


Latest Additions

It’s Monday! (Hopefully that’s not a surprise to you.) And it’s going to be a hot one, so sayeth the weather people… Do you know what makes for a good Monday when it’s predicted to be hot and humid? Heading to Your Public Library  for a Good Book! Coincidentally, I have a nice long list of Latest Additions to share!

Mudbound by Hiliary Jordan
Toys by James Patterson
One of Our Thursdays is Missing by Jasper Fforde
Mad, Bad and Blonde by Cathie Linz
The Good Daughters by Joyce Maynard
Summer Rental by Mary Kay Andrews
Best Staged Plans by Claire Cook
Evil at Heart by Chelsea Cain
Beauty Queens by Libba Bray
The Battle for Skandia by John Flanagan
The President’s Vampire by Christopher Farnsworth
The Girl Who Disappeared Twice by Andrea Kane

And of course, once you’ve read some (or all?) of these fine titles; we’d love to see you in the library so you can enter to win the latest prize basket for the Adult Summer Reading Program:


— Stacey

These Books Were Thrillingly Suspensful! (Or Suspensfully Thrilling?)

Oh, the thrills! Oh, the chills! Oh, the scary, suspenseful moments discussed! That’s right, we had our Thriller/Suspense book group and it was pretty darned exciting! Here’s what everyone is saying about their thrilling choices:

Evelyn: The Girl Who Disappeared Twice by Andrea Kane. Behaviorist Casey Woods heads up Forensic Instincts, a group consisting of a profiler, tech-guru, former Navy SEAL and a clairvoyant. When they are called in to help with the kidnapping of the 6-year-old daughter of a high-profile judge, Casey learns that the judges’ twin sister was also kidnapped when she was six, thirty-two years ago. This first book in a new series makes a great beach read.

Julie: Pick up Worth Dying For by Lee Child and you probably won’t put it down! It’s the latest installment in his series featuring ex-military cop, Jack Reacher. In this one he’s traveling through the vast plains of Nebraska and goes up against the Duncans, who basically control the town Reacher is passing through. The book has characters you can care about and plenty of action.

Janet: Love You More by Lisa Gardener. A beat-up Tessa Leoni, State Police Trooper and dedicated mother, kills her husband in a clear case of self-defense with three bullets to the chest, but where is her six-year-old daughter. Veteran detective D.D. Warren is leading the homicide investigation as well as a statewide search for a missing child D.D. is joined by Bobby Dodge, her former lover, friend, and partner. As they investigate D.D. and Bobby must deal with a continually changing version of what they believe has happened. The many twist and turns keep the reader guessing up until the final pages of this very satisfying thriller.

Emma: Whiplash is the 14th entry in the FBI thriller series by Catherine Coulter. Private investigator Erin Pulaski is hired to find out why a drug used in combination with chemotherapy is suddenly in short supply forcing patients to use another much more expensive drug. Erin smuggles important documents from Schiffer Hartwin and discovers illegal activities on the part of company officials. A top German employee is murdered and his body is dumped behind Schiffer Hartwin U.S. headquarters in Connecticut on federal land. Special agent Bowie Richards is involved in solving the case and FBI agents Sherlock and Savich are also called in. It’s all here: explosions, poisonings, accidents, romance, affairs, murder, mutilation, secrets, messages from the dead, etc.

Carol: Evil at Heart by Chelsea Cain is the third in a series. In this installment, Portland Detective Archie Sheridan resides full time in a mental hospital institutionalized as a result of the hold that ‘Beauty Killer’ Gretchen Lowell has over him. When they last met, Gretchen promised Archie she wouldn’t kill again, but when bodies are found, they bear her signature. Archie, who is the only one who truly knows how Gretchen operates, must come out of hiding to help track her down. Meanwhile, Beauty Killer fever has hit an all-time high. Are her fans acting out crimes in her name? This thrilling series is bloody and violent. Reader beware!

Megan: Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane is a psychological thriller set in the 1950s. Teddy Daniels is a U.S. Marshal who has been charged to lead the search for a missing patient on Shutter Island, home to an asylum for the criminally insane. His investigation uncovers disturbing evidence of sinister experiments being performed on inmates. When he begins to question hospital officials, Teddy soon learns that nothing is what it seems and he begins to have doubts about his partner, his memories, and his own sanity. A complex story, haunting description, and a shocking plot twist will keep readers guessing until the very end of this thriller.

Dori: The Snowman, by Norwegian author Jo Nesbo, has been compared to the Stieg Larrson trilogy. Curmudgeonly detective Harry Hole is drawn into a cat and mouse game with a serial killer who murders at first snowfall and leaves a snowman behind. As Hole closes in, he begins to realize that the killer is getting all too personal, driving Hole close to madness. Will he find the killer before he loses his mind and/or his life?

Ann: On Borrowed Time by David Rosenfelt. Richard Kilmer is a journalist who falls head over heels with Jennifer Ryan. When Jen takes Richard home to meet her parents, and they become engaged, she wants to show him around the upstate New York area where she grew up. On a scenic drive to Kendrick Falls, the weather suddenly changes from a beautiful day to a dark and windy sky. They are in a small convertible, but it is now too late to put the top up. They skid off the road. Richard reaches for Jen, but she’s not there. In fact she’s nowhere to be found- and when help comes, and Richard is driven back to Jen’s parent’s house, her mother doesn’t recognize Richard. In fact, it’s as if Jen never existed! What gives?? Read On Borrowed Time to find out.

Stacey: Across the Universe by Beth Revis is the beginning of what promises to be a clever trilogy. Amy and her parents were cryogenically frozen for the three hundred year flight on the spaceship Godspeed. Accidentally brought out of her frozen state early, Amy struggles to understand the monoethinic culture and the limited, preselected occupations that have evolved while she was sleeping. When more sleeping chambers are activated, and some of the occupants die before receiving the proper medical care, Amy and Elder, second in the ship’s command, it becomes obvious someone is doing it on purpose. Secrets, big and small, abound to keep readers guessing at the next twist in this socio-political thriller.

Now that’s one long list of chilling books to take the heat off this summer, no? (Is it wrong that sometimes I make myself laugh? Is it?) So the group has provided a nicely diverse list, from the mentally challenging to the bloody battles, all guaranteed to keep you on your reading toes.

If the suspenseful thrillers (or thrilling suspense books) aren’t intriguing you, it might bring a little smile to your face when you find out that our next book discussion will feature a new (slightly made-up) category –Beach Reads! Our selections will be based on tough, specific guidelines, such as: I love this book!, I would be happy to give it to someone to read in the sun or shade!, This book made me laugh! or cry! or laugh and cry!, and so on… I can’t wait! Can you?

— Stacey

Mother Knows Best–The Rich ARE Different

Every couple weeks I take a bag of books to my mom. Some she reads and just loves every word and others she doesn’t.  I always tell her don’t waste your time reading something you aren’t enjoying. Recently when I asked her if she needed any more books, she started raving about one she just finished called The Mystery Writers of America Presents the Rich and the Dead edited by Nelson DeMille. She prefaced her mini book review to me with this statement: “I never read a book where I didn’t learn something new.” How cool is that? This new collection features 20 short stories all about the really wealthy priveleged few and just how far they’ll go to stay on top. Check it out, maybe you’ll learn something new, too!


Summer Reading Rocks!

Did everyone have a safe and lovely Independence Day? Me too! I enjoyed a lovely parade, a lovely meal, and I did my American duty to encourage an upswing in the economy (that means I did a little shopping!). But knowing all that isn’t the real reason you’re reading this today, right? You want to know what the new summer reading basket looks like, aren’t you!

Some more fabulous items in another fabulous basket! Come on in and enter! …And do I need to say it again? Do I need to mention one more time that the “friend” hanging around the basket is *not* included? (Because he’s not….)

Have a wonderful week!

— Stacey

Happy Fourth of July!

I’m both happy and sad to tell you, “The library is closed today!” I’m happy that everyone has the chance to chow down on one of my favorite holiday treats: s’mores! And sad that everyone has to wait until Tuesday to see what the new Summer Reading basket will be! I hope that happy wins the day for everyone!

Have a sparkly -and safe- Fourth of July!

— Stacey